The Flemish student declaration concludes: “Mgr. “This Church has its rules, structures and traditions, which are the same for everyone, and contrary to what one suspects, still very well known,” the statement continues, “But the rules of morality apply universally to every Catholic, at any place and any time.” Not this time of decency, but of faith and morals,” notes the KVHV student statement. “With his call to offer homosexual relationships within the Roman Catholic Church a position within the structure, Mgr. “Your Excellency, what you are proposing is not Catholic!”, the students declared in their bold, but respectful, response to the prelate’s outrageous stance. The Flemish Catholic Student Association of Antwerp (KVHV), which seems to have a better grasp of theology than does Bishop Bonny, did not mince words. As a variety of legal frameworks in society exist for partners, he wants to instate a diversity of recognition forms in the church.’” “With his plea,” continued the DeMorgen article, “Bonny is one of the first church leaders who attacks the absolute monopoly of the male-female marriage. ‘We have to look inside the church for a formal recognition of the relationality which is also present in many gay couples. “There should be a diversity of recognition forms.”

The dogma that the Catholic Church can only accept male-female relationships, he put in question in an interview with this newspaper. The Bishop of Antwerp, Johan Bonny advocates an ecclesiastical recognition of homosexual relationships. In his December 27 interview with the Belgian newspaper DeMorgen, Bishop Bonny was more explicit in his “demands” that the church recognize the prevailing zeitgeist among the worldly ruling elites as it regards “sexual orientation.” Under the headline, “Bishop demands church recognition of homosexual relationships,” the newspaper reported (as translated to English by the blogspot CatholicConclave):